When Your Child is Sick
The website, KidsDoc Symptom Checker, administered by the American Academy of Pediatrics, offers reliable advice and excellent guidance on a variety of pediatric symptoms, including illness and injury. If you are not sure whether an urgent after-hours phone call is warranted, we would encourage you to check this website for general advice. As always, rely on your common sense above all else, and if you are ever seriously concerned about the health of your child, call us or visit the nearest emergency room immediately.
For excellent articles and summaries about a wide variety of childhood illnesses and injuries, check the Health Issues section of the website HealthyChildren.org.
General Information
American Academy of Pediatrics is the website of the governing body of pediatricians in the US.
The Vaccine Education Center of Children‘s Hospital of Pennsylvania provides excellent and reliable information about childhood vaccinations, including myths and facts about immunizations.
Recommended Vaccine Schedule for Children, Birth to 6 Years is the vaccine schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control.
Recommended Vaccine Schedule for Children, Ages 7 to 18 Years is the vaccine schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control.
The following is a link to the current Immunization Requirements for School Attendance in New Jersey.
QbCheck ADHD System is a state-of-the-art diagnostic system for ADHD testing which Touchpoint Pediatrics is proud to offer in our own office.
Breastfeeding Support
The Postpartum Place in Chatham, NJ, Laid Back Lactation in Morristown, NJ, Morristown Medical Center in Morristown, NJ, Overlook Medical Center in Summit, NJ, Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, NJ as well as many other local lactation consultants in the area offer comprehensive support to new mothers and their babies, including breastfeeding help and information.
Development/Parenting/Healthy Eating
Healthy Children.org is a website managed by the American Academy of Pediatrics which contains great information about children through all stages of development, advice on newborn care, and great resources for you before your baby arrives.
Ellyn Satter has a website which is a very helpful resource for advice about feeding children, picky eaters, etc.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has a website that provides information on pediatric oral health care.
The Gerber baby food company has a very comprehensive website that discusses childhood nutrition from pregnancy through all stages of childhood, complete with interactive meal planners.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is a great resource providing information about helping overweight children keep their weight under control.
The CDC has a good site, www.cdc.gov which focuses on supporting children’s healthy life style concentrating on eating healthy and exercise.
A good site that offers a place for parents to find facts about children and physical activity, healthy eating and self-esteem is confidentbody. This is a site for kids “who like to play hard and have fun” and emphasizes how great getting exercise and eating right will make you feel.
Morristown Medical Center runs a program called Kid-FIT, which uses individualized intervention strategies, lectures and psychosocial support to teach children and adolescents how to make healthy lifestyle choices.
An award winning website with one of the largest collections of nutrition and fitness links is HealthyEating.net. Filled with tips on increasing daily fruit and vegetable consumption for kids. This site boasts one of the largest listing of books by registered dietitians, fitness and food experts.
Another good site to check out is Trim-Kids. Trim-Kids is a scientifically tested program that gives parents and children a positive, safe, initial approach to lifetime weight management. Everything from a 12-week plan designed for use with a pediatrician, that includes proven ways to increase physical activity and encourage healthy eating, shopping lists, meal plans, dining out tips and more.
The State of New Jersey has a really good site that shows all sorts of support services they provide for children ranging from health and wellness, developmental and behavioral services to parenting and everything in between NJ Parent Link
The State of New Jersey also has a good site concentrating on nutrition and physical activity programs in NJ at www.state.nj.us/health/ccp/npap.
Car Safety
Union County offers, as a public service, free Child Seat Inspections in Springfield, NJ.
The Teen Driving website from the Automobile Association of America has excellent advice about keeping your teens safe as they set out behind the wheel. Includes valuable information about Parent/Teen driving contracts, and more.
MDTravelHealth.com is a useful site to prepare for international travel with your children. You can specify the region of the world you’re going to, and you will be given specific recommendations about recommended vaccines and medical precautions.
Our Affiliated Hospitals
Morristown Medical Center, in Morristown, NJ, is part of the Atlantic Health System.
Overlook Medical Center, in Summit, NJ, is part of the Atlantic Health System.
Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, NJ, is part of the Robert Wood Johnson Health System.
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The American Academy of Pediatrics has a Healthy Children E-Magazine app for iPhones and iPads. This resource has a wealth of valuable information regarding your child’s development, growth, nutrition, health and much more. You can get the app from the Apple app store. Click on the link for a preview of the Healthy Children E-Magazine app.