Newborn Baby Hand Holding Mom’s Finger
Many first-time parents worry if their baby will be healthy and if they’ll be prepared to handle everything their baby needs, but this is normal. Touchpoint Pediatrics in Chatham, New Jersey, is here to help by offering the highest quality pediatric care, as well as some insights into infant health issues. Families can learn more about the most important health concerns that newborn babies experience below.


Colic is a type of gastroesophageal reflux and is one of the most common health concerns for new babies. It typically affects newborns between the ages of two weeks and four months and is defined by spells of severe crying that continue for at least three hours and occur more than three times per week. There are many things parents can try to soothe a colicky baby, including:

  • Changing their diet
  • Feeding them slowly
  • Playing white noise
  • Rocking them
  • Giving gentle pats on the back

If none of these remedies seem to be working, parents should make an appointment with a Touchpoint pediatrician to gain further information.

Newborn Feeding and Digestive Problems

Newborn babies have to feed frequently to ensure they get the nutrients they need to grow. If the baby is experiencing issues with feeding or digestion, it can be stressful not knowing if they’re getting enough food. It may take a few weeks to establish a feeding pattern, so parents should take their time getting used to it. Babies may also spit up, vomit, or experience constipation or diarrhea that may cause concerns. It’s normal for babies to spit up, but if he or she is suffering from vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea, it may be a good idea to get them checked out by a Touchpoint pediatrician to rule out illnesses.

Newborn Infections

Infections are fairly common in babies and children, and they may cause some discomfort or even pain. Infections might have to be treated with antibiotics, so oftentimes a doctor’s visit will be necessary. Some common infections contracted by babies include:

Ear Infections

Ear infections are very common in children due to their underdeveloped immune systems. This is one of the reasons why pediatricians recommend checkups every 6 months. If you notice your child crying, rubbing their ear, or having trouble sleeping or eating, it may be a sign of an ear infection. The treatment a doctor recommends will vary depending on the baby’s age, pain level, and symptoms.


Babies can also develop conjunctivitis or pink eye. This is inflammation in the eye that can cause redness, swelling, and discharge. Conjunctivitis may be brought on by bacteria in the eye, coming in contact with contaminated people, or prolonged exposure to bright lights.

Newborn Skin Conditions

Many newborn babies will experience some skin problems, but they are usually harmless and will likely go away with time. These skin conditions include:

Diaper Rash

One of the most common skin conditions newborns deal with is diaper rash. It can be identified by a red rash on the buttocks area that may be tender or scaly. Most cases can be treated at home with over-the-counter ointment and more frequent diaper changes. If the symptoms continue, it’s important to bring your baby to Touchpoint and have the doctor see if further treatment is needed.

Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is another very common concern parents have about newborns. It looks like a yellow, flaky crust on the scalp and can be difficult to remove. However, it isn’t painful or itchy and it isn’t a reason to be concerned. Usually, cradle cap goes away on its own in a few weeks or months. The daily use of a mild shampoo on the baby’s scalp is one common method for removing scales. However, avoid picking at cradle cap. A doctor might recommend a medicated shampoo or lotion if it seems severe or continues to worsen.

Milia and Baby Acne

Milia and baby acne are essentially the infant version of whiteheads and pimples. Milia are small white bumps on the baby’s nose and face. These bumps are typically nothing to be concerned about, as they are just caused by blocked oil glands. Once the baby’s oil glands open up, the bumps will go away. Baby acne is the same way, appearing on the cheeks and forehead of babies between three and six months old. It should go away in time but can be helped with a topical cream if necessary.

If a parent is unsure if their baby is sick or not, they can use the Touchpoint Pediatrics webpage tool “Is Your Child Sick” to gain some insight.

Learn More About Baby Health Necessities

Located in Chatham, NJ, Touchpoint Pediatrics offers personalized care for families throughout Morristown, Summit, and Berkeley Heights, and Hoboken. The healthcare team is proud to offer comprehensive pediatric medical services for newborns. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, become a patient, or learn more about other baby health necessities.